Security, privacy and media details…
Security, privacy and media details…
Welcome to the Louis Berger (LB Adria) home on the web. Please take a moment to read the attached information about our content, privacy, and cookies policy, aimed to improve the user experience when visiting this site. This privacy policy and the website itself have been produced in accordance with the GDPR norms, local and EU laws.
Louis Berger (LB Adria) and the creators of this site have used variety of digital content in the creation process. Multimedia displayed on this website is provided by both Louis Berger (LB Adria) and third-party content providers.
Unless otherwise indicated, Louis Berger (LB Adria) and the third party content provider retain all copyright and related rights to digital materials displayed on www.lbadria.com (and related domains and subdomains). Reproduction and further distribution of original material without authorization of the respective owner is strictly prohibited and is considered a violation of copyright and related rights.
The content on this page may be owned by the site author or third-party who have given the rights to this content for posting on this site. The rights to re-distribute these materials are retained by the original author.
Social media content
Multimedia and content displayed on social media profiles owned or operated by Louis Berger (LB Adria) are sole property of Louis Berger (LB Adria) or third-party vendor providing the content, under the European and local laws and regulations, as well as governing policies of the social media platforms.
Files and digital content clearly marked for download at www.lbadria.com, if any, are available for individual use only. Any reproduction and further distribution without proper approval and authorization of the owner of the original material is strictly prohibited and is considered a violation of copyright and related rights.
The operator of this site or hosting service provider, for security reasons, may use computer systems whose purpose is to monitor and control the data flow to detect attempts of abuse and unauthorized access, as well as damages, setups, downloads, and system data modifications.
In accordance with the local legislation and EU laws, any attempt of unauthorized access and misuse of the system, as well as alterations, damages, unauthorized upload and download of data from the Internet, may be considered a violation or criminal offense.
Which information is collected?
Louis Berger (LB Adria) does not automatically collect any data that may be considered personal information or may contain personal identifiable information. We may collect following information:
- Data that you voluntarily enter into the page. The website can remember personal information (e.g., email addresses) that you voluntarily enter in to forms on the site, for example when using contact form or applying for job.
- Automatically collected information. In order to improve site performance and security, in cooperation with a hosting provider, lbadria.com can collect and process anonymous statistics about visits (for example, the time and length of the visit, visited pages, the country from which the visitor views the page and similar).
- Cookies. For operation and user experience optimization, lbadria.com website can collect data from cookies. More information on this topic can be found in the chapter “Cookies”.
How data are used?
The collected information can be used for the following purposes:
- To manage, optimize and maintain the website.
- To protect, secure, investigate and prevent unauthorized or illegal activities.
- To respond to user requests.
- To respond to requests of authorities or ISP.
Protection of your personal information
Louis Berger (LB Adria) will under no circumstance forward collected visitor information to third parties or organizations without explicit permission of the data holder, including public organizations, corporations or individuals. Louis Berger (LB Adria) does not sell or publish the information collected. The only exception to this rule are requests from investigative or judicial authorities during proceedings before the authorities of the Republic of Serbia or internationally recognized organizations.
Storage and security of your personal information
Louis Berger (LB Adria) uses a professional hosting service and makes every effort and undertakes technical / technological measures to preserve the confidentiality and security of the collected data. Louis Berger (LB Adria) stores data in specialized systems with a high level of protection to prevent data download and misuse.
User communication
Louis Berger (LB Adria) does not, under any circumstance, contact the visitors to this site with offers, advertisements, notices or any type of general messages, and any such communication attempt may be considered malicious.
Louis Berger (LB Adria) will never establish first contact nor communicate with the visitors of the site. If contacted, Louis Berger (LB Adria) employees will respond from official Louis Berger (LB Adria) domains: @lbadria.com or @lbadria.rs!
In order to ensure proper operation of this website, as well as optimum user experience, this site can store small files on your devices known as cookies. This is a common practice for pages of this type.
What are cookies?
A cookie is a small, usually textual, file downloaded by your computer or mobile device when visiting a particular web page. With the help of cookies, web site remembers certain actions and settings (such as sign-in, selected language and letter, font size, and other preferences related to the display) that you selected during the visit, so that whenever you return to that website or browse its different pages, you don’t need to re-enter them.
How do we use cookies?
Our page currently uses cookies that perform the following functions:
Registered users:
- Remember registration details of registered users
- Remember the interface details (back-end / front-end) of registered users
- Remember language selection of registered users
- Remember the permission status for cookies
Unregistered users:
- Remember language selection of unregistered users
- Remember the permission status for cookies
- Remember if you responded to a survey on the website
For which purpose cookies CANNOT be used?
- Cookies do not collect personal information, and cookie-related information cannot be used for the purpose of your identification.
- Cookies do not register the pages from which you came, nor the pages you visit after visiting our site.
- Cookies do not record details about the device you are using to view the content.
- Cookies do not record information about user passwords.
- Cookies do not record your response to a survey.
Other cookies and cookies from other sites?
Our website does not use other (hidden) cookies other than those described in the section “How do we use cookies?”. Some of the hyperlinked pages on our site may use their own cookies or in different ways than the ones listed. In that case, you can see the details of those cookies on the relevant websites.
The administrator of this site does not in any way accept responsibility for cookies on third-party sites, but only for cookies that originate from the web site URL of this notice (www.lbadria.com and sub-domains).
Content from other websites and web services
Some pages on www.lbadria.com can contain embedded content from other websites or other web services (e.g., videos, pictures, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other sites may behave as if the user visited a website or service from which the content originates.
These websites may collect information about you, use cookies, use additional interaction tracking services, or directly monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with embedded content even if you have an account and you are signed into that site or service.
The administrator of this site does not in any way accept responsibility for cookies on third-party sites, but only for cookies that originate from the web site URL of this notice (www.lbadria.com and sub-domains).
Options for acceptance of cookies
Although the webpage will be displayed even if cookies are not enabled, browsing will be optimal if they are enabled. Afterwards you can delete or block cookies.
For more information on this subject, and instructions how to remove or disable download of cookies for your browser, visit: aboutcookies.org.
How to remove / control cookies?
You can remove cookies at any time, at your convenience. You can delete all cookies that are already stored on your device, and the settings of most browsers allow you to block future cookie downloads. If you block cookies, you must manually adjust some preferences at every visit to the website, and certain services and features may not be available.
For more information on this subject, and instructions how to remove or disable download of cookies for your browser, visit: aboutcookies.org.
We are continuously working to make the pages of www.lbadria.com usable, accessible, and safe for every user. We have made every effort to ensure that the site satisfies relevant local and EU regulations, as well as to apply best practice models. The website is compatible with the latest versions of all standard web browsers.
Authors and administrators of this website try to make all published information easily available. If you have any difficulties, please inform us about this so we can resolve potential problems.
For all questions regarding functioning of the site, please contact us using the form on the Contact page.
During creation of this site, stock images and illustrations used were kindly provided by:
Authors and administrators of this website would like to thank and acknowledge the following creators for their contribution:
christina-morillo, thisisengineering, rene-asmussen, tom-fisk, azerbaijan_stockers, dcstudio, wirestock, alexander-nadrilyanski, stockgiu, boris-hamer, kelly, luciann, sevenstorm-juhaszimrus, nitin-sharma, dio-hasbi-saniskoro, aleksejs-bergmanis, vlad-chețan, ricardo-gomez-angel, fauxels, sora-shimazaki, markus-spiske, sam-rankin, faizal-ortho
Louis Berger (LB Adria) and the administrators of this web site do not take responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained on this site is provided as-is, without any guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness, or timeliness.
This document was last updated in November 2023.
Copyright © 2023. Louis Berger (LB Adria)